black and white bed linen

Scroll down for Artist Statement or click portfolio for Pictures.

There are three sections in my portfolio. The first set of photographs are of my most recent work and the third series shows the oldest pieces. I would like to say that I had some coherent plan in mind when making the sculptures but I am afraid I didn’t have a clue until recently when I was looking back at the three most recent series. I realized that they were all on the same theme though quite different in look. For Being Done Too Soon is a look at death and how we come to deal with it as humans. The idea that humans are separate from animals because we are aware we will die and they don’t have a clue. I don’t think that is true for animals and I am not sure it is true for humans. I don’t think we ever truly accept that we will die. It should have been a life changing moment when we first realized we were mortal but I don’t think anyone remembers that epiphany. Our first memory might be of a mother or father taking us somewhere or other but not “Oh my god I am going to die”. So this series deals with one of the ways we as humans don’t face death. Death is just someone walking away, going through a door or just disappearing. In short ways that we deal with death by not facing it head on and making up scenarios like just leaving, sleeping, going to a better place etc. We are not as different from the other animals as we think. We are connected.

Carnival series is about escaping our fears. There is a terrible burden as we are under a deadline of a finite life that we don’t really believe but nevertheless weighs on us. Our animal instincts tell us to run, to hide or to fight and at the same time we have to fight our animal instincts in order to be our idea of being human. The carnival series is about hiding from it in the glitter and fake danger.

The For Being Done too Soon series is of course that desire to believe dying is just a phase like walking away out of sight.

The Boxes series is less straight forward as it deals with life, our purpose, our beliefs and our relation to other life forms (bears as a universal stand in) and robots (thinking ahead).